H.A.N.A Aromatherapy Roll On Scent

Each Scent comes with a distinct scent that will make you feel peace at heart.

Each colour represents different scent of smell.

Comes with 5 different blend:

- Quality Rest

- Relief

- Romance & Love

- Focus

- Abundance

Quality Rest Blend

Lapis Lazuli is also thought to assist with insomnia and promote better sleep.

Lavender works as an anxiolytic (an anxiety reliever) and as a sedative, to increase relaxation and calm, and help bring about sleep,help quiet the brain and nervous system activity, reducing agitation, anger, aggression, and restlessness

Cedarwood you enjoy woodsy scents, consider incorporating as you create your ideal bedroom for sleep.

Chamomile Roman is a best known throughout the ages for its sedative and soothing qualities. Endowed with an overall calming effect for the stressed mind and tense body, can also be used to ease feelings of grief, anger, discontent or oversensitivity.

Relief Blend

Black obsidian is a powerful grounding stone that helps you connect with the earth and foster a sense of stability and strength within. It can protect you from negativity, psychic attacks, and other harmful vibrations by acting as a shield that blocks out negativity and replaces it with positive

Romance & Love blend

Rose quartz meaning varies throughout cultures, but the soft pink stone is often tied to gentleness, love, and fertility.

Geranium Essential Oil

• Has a floral scent that supports women's health.

• It is both calming and uplifting to the mind and body.

• Let geranium open up intimate communication.

Patchouli Essential Oil

• Offers balance and calming to the mind, body, and spirit.

• Patchouli oil opens the heart and heightens the senses.

• Its musky scent has aphrodisiac properties.

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

• Has calming and relaxing effects.

• It has an intoxicating aroma and is considered an aphrodisiac oil

Peppermint oil is promoted for topical use (applied to the skin) for problems like headache, muscle aches, joint pain, and itching. In aromatherapy, peppermint oil is promoted for treating coughs and colds, reducing pain, improving mental function, and reducing stress.

Eucalyptus oil appears in many over-the-counter cough and cold products to relieve congestion. relieve muscle and joint pain, and in some mouthwashes.

Ginger essential oil is reliable for its anti-inflammatory properties provides pain relief and treats muscle aches, arthritis, migraines, and headaches,relieve feelings of anxiety, nervousness, unhappiness, and fatigue.

Abundance Blend

Amethyst is one of the most popular gemstones for good luck .This gemstone is claimed to have many healing capabilities, from aiding with skincare to improving mental health.

Bergamot. Attracts good luck in business,

attract luck surrounding your career and money

Grapefruit attract wealth and good luck into your life.

Focus Blend

White Crystal purifying your body, mind, and soul.

Rosemary important clinical effects on mood, learning, memory, pain,

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35.00 SGD